Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Beginnings...I hope

It's obviously been a while since I last posted anything, so let's come up to speed:

1. I'm still going through school, but I'm not doing as well with it as I was before. I completely burnt myself out this past semester working and going to school.

2. The family members that have moved in at the beginning of 2009 are still there, and apparently have no intention of leaving in the immediate and/or forseeable future.

3. The year ended on a sour note because I got mugged the week of Christmas by some teenage punk with a fake gun, who then broke my face after I broke his gun. The following week I had surgery to repair an orbital blowout fracture (a medical term for what can cause your eyeball to slide down into your sinuses). I finally got the all-clear to go back to work today, so at least that's a potentially good thing--if for no other reason than I'm going to have a shitload of medical bills to pay, even if insurance foots part of the bill. The other bit of good news is that they caught the junior thug who did it (his dad narked him out) and I may or may not be getting back my shit sometime before I die.

What do I hope to accomplish this coming year?

1. I am currently on a spending freeze because I am saving up to get my own place. It's become painfully obvious that I desperately need to be able to have someplace to parade around completely naked if I so choose, and that's obviously not going to be where I am now.

2. I am hoping to still be in school by the end of the year, although the drive to stay in school is lessening with the years. My cousin managed to become the first Wilson offspring to graduate from college, so there's no longer that hanging over me. There's also the fact that the majority of my classes that I would need to take for my major can only be taken during the day.

3. If I have enough vacation days left over from this mugging business (I think I had enough sick days to cover it without raiding my vacation days) and enough money left over from the apartment thing, I am going to take myself a nice long vacation in California. I wanna hit the three big cities there--especially San Francisco and San Diego. I only got to spend a few hours in SD, and I never really got to enjoy SF the last time I was there almost ten years ago.

Obviously I have a lot more I could post, but that I'll save for another day.