Monday, June 14, 2010

Finally, an Update...

It's been a while, so I figure I should let you all know (all one of you) where things are at:

1. The punk who mugged me finally decided to cop a guilty plea to everything he's done. I say everything, because apparently I'm not even the worst misdeed he's committed in the past year. In addition to me, he also fought the cops who arrested him, fought the cops who took him back to Juvie after the first hearing, and if all this wasn't bad enough, he got caught with some pot on him. But enough about that. The judge has decided to let the assault on the cops dictate her sentencing, and she wants to give him 30 days of house arrest with the ankle thingy and a year of high-intensity probation--which I'm assuming is just short of the parole officer moving in with him. Why the light sentence? Apparently she feels that even though this kid's obviously a bad seed, this is--amazingly enough--HIS FIRST FUCKING CONVICTION! But if it's any consolation (and it ain't), they think he'll re-offend within the first 30 days. That's crossing the fucking street!

The other part of this is that not only am I not gonna get my stuff back, but the only way I'm going to get any kind of payback is if I go after the parents. According to the DA, they said they wanted to pay me back, but they just didn't have the money. Of course, in the same breath, she also said that the reason the dad refused to show up for the hearings was that his wife threatened to divorce him if he testified against the kid. I'm still torn about whether to sue them anyway. On one hand, I'll look like a vindictive dickhead, but on the other one, any sympathy I might have had for them went right out the window when I heard that. Maybe she'd like to see the pics of me belching blood from every orifice above the neck, including the ones that are not supposed to be belching blood at all. Maybe I could regale her about how her sweet little angel made it so that for the better part of a month, even the slightest light felt like a hot poker right in my skull. And I'm sure she'd love the pic I have that makes me look like I had an eye transplant from Satan.

At any rate, at least it's over.

2. I decided to take the summer semester off. They didn't have anything I wanted to take, I failed my classes anyway, and my head just wasn't in it. Guess my plan to charge headlong back into real life failed miserably...

3. The vacation I hinted at in the previous entries is finally coming together. San Diego is going to the wayside because I hope to spend a couple days there this October if they decide to do Bearquake this year. That's allowed me to expand the other two parts so that I can spend almost a week in each place. Let's hope San Francisco ends up being better than the last time...

4. Finally, the apartment thing is still proceeding, but the vacation is more of a priority simply because I am a nervous fucking wreck and I need a way to decompress NOW! I'm still looking to do it this year, but it's not as big of a concern right now as it was before. When I come back from Cali, I'll see where I'm at. If it doesn't happen this year, it will happen next year. I know a lotta people will be disappointed, but right now I could really give two shits about that. I think I have a pretty good idea of how my mind and body work, and when they tell me that one or both of them are considering checking out for a while, I tend to listen to them...

Well, that's about it for right now. I'll come up with something more cheery pretty soon. That is, providing reality doesn't intrude...

P. S. : Forgot something: I'm back over 200 pounds again. Don't really give a shit about it either.